Net Zero Commitment

MetLife is committed to Net Zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for its global operations and General Account investment portfolio by 2050 or sooner. 1

This ambition is part of our overall business strategy to create long-term value for employees, customers, shareholders and the communities where we operate. For MetLife, this means working toward an inclusive, resilient, and thriving environment for present and future generations.

As a purpose-driven company, we continue to adapt to meet the needs of a rapidly changing world. MetLife’s Net Zero commitment builds on our longstanding history of environmental stewardship. This includes addressing climate change and supporting a just transition to a low-carbon economy, which requires collective action from diverse stakeholders. 

Our commitment is supported by a holistic approach, interim targets and key initiatives intended to help improve the environment.

Net Zero Approach

Our Net Zero Approach

MetLife's approach to Net Zero is guided by four pillars focused on where we are best positioned to support a long-term transition while creating value for our stakeholders:



Reduce GHG emissions in alignment with the aims of the Paris Agreement


Collaborate with our stakeholders to collectively work toward a Net Zero future


Finance solutions to drive progress toward a low-carbon economy


Evolve our approach to changes in the market and incorporate the latest climate science into our strategy

Interim targets on the way to Net Zero

(By 2030 unless otherwise indicated)


Reduce Scope 1, 2, and 3 business travel emissions by 50%2


Two-thirds of suppliers to set emissions reduction goals aligned with climate science3


Engage emitters responsible for at least 50% of public corporate portfolio financed emissions on climate annually4


Reduce GHG emissions for managed real estate equity investments by 50%5

Enhancing data accuracy and completeness

MetLife has voluntarily produced and publicly disclosed an inventory of GHG emissions from our operations for many years. While reliable methodologies and data sets pertaining to certain emissions are not available at this time, we are committed to improving our data quality and tracking capabilities as standards and methodologies continue to evolve. To support our Net Zero commitment for MetLife’s General Account, we are focused on developing financed emissions disclosures where reliable data and methodologies are available and enhancing its accuracy and completeness over time.

Creating positive climate impact in an evolving landscape

Beyond our Net Zero commitment and interim emission reduction targets, our sustainability strategy centers on five of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that are most relevant to our business, including climate action.

In addition, we leverage the strength of our people, products, services and investments to make progress in areas such as human health, water stewardship and biodiversity.


  • Maintaining carbon neutrality annually for our global offices, vehicle fleets and employee business travel by supporting high-quality carbon offset projects that align with UN SDGs to the extent possible and supporting renewable electricity technologies by purchasing Renewable Energy Credits (RECs).6
  • Prioritizing green and healthy buildings in our global office portfolio (aiming for at least 40% of our square footage), including healthy and sustainable amenities for our colleagues.7
  • Engaging employees, customers and our other diverse stakeholders on environmental stewardship.
  • Originating $25 billion of new General Account green investments and $500 million of impact investments (with 25% allocated to climate change priorities).7
  • Contributing $5 million to drive climate-related partnerships and solutions.7
  • MetLife Foundation granting $10 million to environmental causes.8
  • Planting 5 million trees, prioritizing areas vulnerable to natural disasters, to help improve the health of local ecosystems and communities and preserve biodiversity.7


Read our latest Sustainability Report

for more information on MetLife’s initiatives and progress.